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One Of The Greatest Catch take by Australia Star Matt Renshaw in Royal London Cup
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One Of The Greatest Catch take by Australia Star Matt Renshaw in Royal London Cup 

             Rarely is there a better sight in cricket than the glorious visual of a brilliant fielding effort. Over the years, an acrobatic attempt on the field has garnered as much attention as a top-class batting or bowling effort. On Wednesday, Australian cricketer Matt Renshaw created a flutter with a great effort during a match of the Royal London Cup at The Oval.

He take one of the best catch in Royal London Cup, here video make viral in Social Media platform. They take a wonderful catch at a slip point. The ball flew sharply towards the second slip when Renshaw leapt to his left to take a fine catch. The effort impressed his team as its official handle tweeted: “One of the greatest catches you will see in a long time…”


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